Thursday, October 30, 2014

Electrify Your Energy Unit!

Don't let your energy unit run out of "juice"! Check out the terrific links below to energy videos, activities and just plain fun stuff to give your energy unit SPARK!

Kids answer five answers about wind power correctly to light up each window of the home. Get all five and they win!

This game takes some time, but is terrific. Students have the opportunity to choose they type of power that is used for a city, use funds to build it, and discover the impact. 

This is another game in which students choose natural energy sources to save the world. Very educational and fun at the same time! Great for fifth grade!

Great video about circuits! 

This fun game from Climate kids is fantastic!

This is a great site from Scholastic just FULL of energy study jams…includes heat, sound, light, magnetism and SOOOO much more!!

Help kids understand conserving energy with this great activity from National Geographic!

This site has videos and more about solar energy.

This game is perfect for review before the test! You can choose the number of teams to play this Jeopardy type game!

This is a short PowerPoint presentation about energy…be sure to check out the other energy PowerPoints on the right hand side. It says it is for 5th grade, but this and many others are good for 3rd and 4th as well! Very well done!

If you are interested in some energy task cards, and a game….check out my resource below.